Thursday, December 14, 2023

When You Dabble Through Life

Nothing fulfilling works when you dabble through life.

When you don't have any goal or purpose.  When you don't have anything you're looking forward  to; and you're not working towards accomplishing anything. When you don't have any drive or internal motivation to be the best you can be.

I met a lady. She's in her mid-sixties. The scent of the liniment on her body goes ahead of her. She's still working the graveyard shift instead of sleeping. But there were times she was caught nodding-off at work. 'Forced to work for a meager salary.

I met another lady. Her co-workers would rather prefer her to be absent. It's nothing personal...just because when she's present, she'd pull down the metrics of the team.

Both dabbled in their earlier years. Both ladies are educated but did not make wise choices. Hence, they are forced to work beyond the prime of their lives. Both are guilty of dabbling. 

Living life without purpose can be frustrating and unproductive. Regret will come when your strength is replaced by weakness as your hair turns gray.

There are different seasons in life. If you're still young, you can work now to be able to start saving and investing. Don't settle for anything less. Make time to think creatively and live your life fully to your last breath.

Don't play it too safe. Don't hide under a rock. Because this same rock, it can crush you.