The photo book launch last February 24, 2009 was a huge success. Both CV1 & CV4 building cafeterias were jam packed as the program started. “Through Our Eyes, In Our Own Words: Intel Philippines Photo book, 1974-2008” was a very timely project. It is a lasting memento of the people that made Intel Philippines the institution that it now is. Moreover, it reflects how
Intellites valued one another as colleagues, and as one big happy family.
The autograph signing activity that followed reminded me of previous elementary and high school days

when I signed lots of slum books and yearbooks; giving heartfelt dedications to people who had meaningful part in my life.
I jazzed up my own photo book to make it super personal. I had my top 10 favorite Intellites sign and I pasted our pictures on the photo book. In this way, I can just flip open my “album” when I want to reminisce the good old days.
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