Tuesday, July 14, 2009
"Nothing is impossible with God!" She is sure of this.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Fourth Wave
All the best to our co-Intellites. You will sorely be missed.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
the "men" having fun
There will sure be a celebration for many reasons: 2 of us already have work waiting for them, 1 who left ahead is already employed in another semiconductor company, 2 have no last-day memo from the office yet and the rest are learning to shift to business.
I have no idea why we're meeting in a place at least 25 kilometers from General Trias but I'll be there for sure. We'll rock the New World Hotel tonight.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Ninong's Birthday
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
See You Around the Corner
Our propensity to cope is tremendous, as we still managed to hold a CV Fun Hour in the cafeteria this noontime. From where I stood, I saw everybody laughing, or at least smiling. Most of the crowd are about to be cleared at 4PM today. Nonetheless the laughter and the fun were at its peak. I saw before me long-time friends and colleagues who worked long and hard to put the Philippines in the Intel map. And now, after 35 years, it is all about to end.
Sa lahat ng mga kamanggagawa ko sa Intel, mabuhay kayo! Nawa ay maibahagi natin ang ating mga kakayahan at talento sa buong mundo. Aking maipagmamalaki na ako ay manggagawang Pilipino sa Intel.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Brag About Jesus
I myself have not witnessed for quite some time; it is high time to do it. I will share Jesus Christ to the people I will be working with.
Minding My Own Business
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Taga-saan Ka?
Where do you reside? It’s not merely the lot or block you live in; not merely your barangay or municipality. It’s not even your country or your continent. Your address is the planet Earth. So you should care for her like you do your own body. You need to be sensitive that relocating to another planet is not yet a viable option. So not only are you bound to make do of being its inhabitant, you must be a vigilant steward as well. Here are some things you can do to show regard for our home planet:
Use less plastic.
Plant more trees.
Segregate your garbage.
Do not smoke.
Do not smoke-belch.
Reduce, reuse recycle.
Gopaperless. Less gas, more bike. Teach your circle of influence to do the same.
When everyone becomes conscious that their address actually extends beyond their own backyard, and that there is no boundary to the contribution each individual can make to protect our planet, this will be a much safer place to live. And this will be our inheritance to the next generations, a part of our legacy.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Big D
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Your Cherised Possesion
Part of valuing your self-worth is keeping your promises…delivering your commitments. Protect your integrity at all costs. Be it known that your honor has no price tag, and you won't compromise your principles for a bag of gold.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
My spiritual health – I make sure my personal relationship with God is healthy. I do not let rubbish get in to my heart.
My family – Daily, I work at loving them unconditionally.
My physical health – I pay attention now to what gets in to my system; I do regular preventive maintenance.
My mental health – I consciously work at using the left side of my brain also because I grew up using my right side most of the time. I read a lot but I don’t believe everything I read.
How I invest my time – I only do high value tasks and they are all related to my long-term and short term goals.
My friends – I have been working at establishing deeper friendships; keeping in touch with friends from my high school & MBA years, and having lots of friends in Intel. One of the things I learned in life is that to be successful, one must be relational, not merely transactional. You must connect to influence.
Finances and stewardship – I am prudent and I live beneath my means so I can live a worry-free life. My principle for stewardship: because I love, I give.
My community – I do something to ensure that care for the environment is fostered and that the coming generation is empowered through education and safety awareness.
My Career – I only have 2 guiding points here: what I do for a living has to have a valuable contribution to society, and I must have fun in what I’m doing.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Munting Buhangin Adventure
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sunday, March 22, 2009
There is Power in Meekness
If we can just suspend our judgment and listen with our hearts, the world will be a much better place to live. We demonstrate meekness when we hold our tongue from lashing at our fellowmen when we feel hurt or maligned; it knows when to keep quiet when we have nothing good or encouraging to say.
The meek always have the upper hand. Being meek can save us from strained relationships and a lot of trouble.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
No Limitations
God will do what you believe. So it really depends on you. How high can you go? What’s holding you back from experiencing one answered prayer after another? You can only limit God with unbelief, and this unbelief is likened to a lid that keeps the blessings from pouring in our lives. Take of that lid and delight in the breakthrough that God wants you to experience in your life!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Open Windows Abound!
- Thomas A. Edison
With this above-mentioned quote, it is no wonder that Thomas Edison invented more than a thousand things including the electric light and various electrical gadgets! He really believed that man was endowed with the talent to create and to invent.
I sort of see myself in the same plane now; I’m the process of creating something that has a potentially high value-add. It is a solution to three critical questions my family is currently faced with: 1) how to have continuous income generation, 2) how to synergize family relationships while being economically productive (i.e. earning while teaching your kids the craft), and 3) how to apply life leadership and management skills in our own enterprise. Bottom line, it is having a stable, challenging and rewarding family business that we own and can pass on to our children. There is a promising opportunity that awaits us: working in the future set-up will not mean leaving the children at home. In this seamless set-up, we can impart our work ethic to our children and teach them critical skills as well.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
One Level Up
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Happy Birthday, Cocoy

Good health and success in all your endeavors in the years to come! If you need someone to emcee your special occasions, supply you with construction materials, or supply you with your transport needs, or supply you with meat and chicken products - I'm just a phone call away. May your tribe increase, brother :-)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Productive or Just Busy?
Saturday, March 7, 2009
It was my first time to dine in Gerry’s Grill. At lunch, we had grilled squid, vegetable fried rice, fried chicken, bangus belly in tamarind soup, sisig, with steamed rice. I had sago (tapioca) and gulaman for my drink. The restaurant was by the shoreline and Al fresco, giving a refreshing view as we ate. I watched some people jet ski; though I haven't mustered the guts to rent one, I bet it was a lot of fun.
The Majestic Hotel was a stone’s throw away from Gerry’s. The rooms were clean and the comfort room was spacious. We checked in there and had a good night's sleep after 4 hours of travel from Cavite. My first time to check in a hotel and spend overnight in Subic was cool.
Jogging around Subic early next morning was invigorating. There were a number of people walking fast; bound for work. There were three joggers besides myself and a handful of street cleaners. The place felt so safe and secure. It was pleasantly quiet and notably progressive. I saw James Gordon’s monument, the monument of the children of the sun returning, and the old airplane. As I jogged around the complex for the first time and saw many other hotels and lodging places, I thought of bringing my family here this summer.
After breakfast, we began to search for an extraordinary gig: the one you would uniquely find in Subic.
Lunch for day 2 was in the shorelines of Camayan Restaurant and Resort. I loved the binagoongan. Immediately hereafter, we plunged in the beach and took a 1-hour dip. This was a great bonding moment...we talked a lot in between swimming in chest-deep water! It was cold at first, but it gets comfortable as our bodies eventually adjusted in the temperature.
One's trip to Subic isn't complete without shopping for PX goods.However, being the prudent one, I only bought 6 items in Puregold Subic Duty Free Supermarket. First was the Coffee Mate Coffee Creamer for my husband who is a "coffeeholic," a Dora the Explorer hairbrush for my daughter Roo, Spam meatloaf for my son Joshua and 3 Subic souvenir t-shirts; (just in case I don't return here for another 9 years!)
I'm grateful to our friend, Jay Tulao for capturing and sharing these pictures.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The autograph signing activity that followed reminded me of previous elementary and high school days
The Will of God for Your Life
Romans 12:2
When faced with critical decisions in life, we ask: how will I know the will of God for me? The response is clearly written in Romans 12:2.
First, we must not conform to this world’s standards. Seek to meet God's standard instead.
Second, you must allow God to transform you inwardly. He must be the Influencer of your thoughts. All battles begin in the mind. If our minds are set on the Word of God daily, we will be victorious in all our endeavors, big or small. He must be the Lord of your thought-life.
It also says, a complete change of mind…not partial, not only when it is convenient for us to obey.
Your confidence in God has great reward! Because He will reveal to you His will and His wonderful plans.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
-Spanish Proverb
Bez usually have front-end loaded weekdays. She’ll be busy working from 7am-4pm; with the mind functioning more than the body, engaging in analysis and a lot-of decision making as a manager in a multinational firm. After getting off from work at 5pm, she becomes a certified couch potato. After all, the television offers such an easy escape; it has been proven time and again to remove stress. However, coupled with TV viewing is eating and drinking junk (food). Time flies and she is still smitten by the TV hypnosis during dinner time. She’d bring the food in front of the TV and eat mindlessly until she eats tons of carbohydrates and empty calories. 2 hours have passed after dinner and she’s still watching TV and she’s still sedentary. This vicious cycle goes on and on, 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year. The weekends are a bit active but food abounds when she goes out with friends for their girl bonding activities. Her gastronomic consumption is tempered only by twilight zone episodes of fitting room traumas in department stores. If there’s a special occasion coming up that requires new clothes, then Bez has a major problem. The best cuts just don’t fit. Cellulites get in the way! It’s predictably frustrating all of the time. Hours of torment while fitting and ending up with nothing at all. It always crashes every inch of her self-esteem.
During these situations, when reality sinks in and she asks, "what happened to my body? It’s as if I swallowed a lifesaver that got stuck on that familiar place I used to call my hips. What happened?" The answer: your lifestyle sucks big time! One eventful regret after another and yet the scale won't move lower a bit! One can't expect a different output if the input is the same. Having onsistent worng choices and expecting different results is foolishness.
So in one of those dark moments she had a conviction to put an end to all these 50 pounds of excess baggage. She’s got the time, the money, the resources to make this work. SHE WANTS TO STOP ALL THE NONSENSE ALREADY AND GET HER LIFE BACK!
So what happened after that?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Connect Knowing with Doing
2 Corinthians 4:17 (NLT)
I’m a voracious reader. I consumed 1/4 of my life reading about fitness and weight loss. Much of the passion comes from the motive of seeking direction, answers and revelation. However, I often struggle applying all the positive things I’ve learned in one particular area of my life. I had an “Aha moment” when I read that “no one ever got fit by just reading a fitness book.” So I inquired of the Lord how I can connect knowing and doing. He replied that I should cry out to Him for renewal. I have to repent first. A changed heart, leads to a changed mind. Then a change in the body follows.
So I prayed, "Lord, I cry out to you for spiritual renewal; renew also my thoughts and attitude. I repent of my laziness and lack of respect for my body when I overeat. Often in the past have I neglected regular exercise and fed it with rubbish (fatty, oily, and junk food) during my emotional highs and lows. Forgive me Lord, for eating rice like there is no tomorrow; and for eating less vegetables and fruits as I should. Please re-script me Lord. Only you can change the program in my heart...and in my stomach. I failed depending on sheer willpower; it was not sustainable. I just slipped right back. Lord, I know I cannot buy self-control in a book, equipment or pill form. I realize that I cannot entrust caring for my own body to the hands of other people now or when I get old. I love my family too much and I cannot bear to be a cause of their grief over diseases that I can very well avoid. I am accountable for this temple you gave me; you can use my life to the fullest if it’s healthy and whole. So after taking charge of this area of my life for 20 years, I now lay it down before you. Thank you Lord. From now on, I will not fret about this anymore because you are in control."
Monday, February 16, 2009
What Matters Most
-Lisa Whelchel, in Creative Correction: Extraordinary Ideas for Everyday Discipline, 2000
I ensure that as I invest more time with them, I role-model what it means to love God and to have a genuine, sweet relationship with Him. This is the greatest legacy I can handover my children: the love of God.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
This Generation’s Cupid!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Action Required: Stand On The Word of God
Abraham’s faith did not leave him, and he did not doubt God’s promise; his faith filled him with power, and he gave praise to God. He was absolutely sure that God would be able to do what he promised.
That is why Abraham, through faith, was accepted as righteous by God.
Romans 4: 23-24
The words “he was accepted as righteous” were not written for him alone. They were written also for us who are to be accepted as righteous, who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from death.
So I pray,
Psalm 123:1-2
Lord I look up to you, up to heaven, where you rule. As a servant depends on his master, as a maid depends on her mistress, so we will keep looking to you, O Lord our God, until you have mercy on us.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Clowning Around
So that whole afternoon in Toyota was like a Twilight Zone experience for her. Look at her in this picture, still scared from the sight of seeing one of the clowns take a break and draw water from the drinking station!
When the clown saw her, he started doing goofy stuff and Roo really freaked out! As if she wanted to go back to my womb again in terror. The big nose scared her, the colorful costume did not appeal to her at all. It was horrendous! After a while, the clown left a bit confused. This was a different kid he figured out for sure.
I'm sure in time she'll realize that her own mother is a big time clown herself and she won't be afraid anymore!
Super Mom Celebrates A Super Day!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
An Invitation to Trust
The Lord says,
I am the one who strengthens you.
Why should you fear mortals,
who are no more enduring than grass?
Have you forgotten the Lord who
made you?
Who stretched out the heavens
and laid the earth’s foundations?
So whether you feel weak physically, spiritually or emotionally, ask and expect to receive strength from God today.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The Envelope, Please….
Every end marks a new beginning….
My fear of uncertain days ahead has been replaced with courage and excitement. I already accepted that nothing lasts forever…even Intel (in the Philippines).
Another chapter will unfold in Q3. Only this time, the paths will be as varied as there are the many number of employees who will separate. Success will be defined no longer in terms of factory deliverables and Critical Success Indicators (CSIs) but on how each one will make use of the work ethic, skills set and network that one gained in Intel. There is, undoubtedly, a competitive advantage if you’re an Intellite. (May everyone realize and appreciate that there is.) Through our veins run our Intel values; we know how to strategize & focus- how to make a game plan. We know how to do cost-benefit analysis and derive decisions that are data-driven. Most importantly, we know how to execute – we flawlessly deliver. We also know how to evaluate, to make things better in the next cycle. And in all things we apply safety and quality. These are life skills tattooed in every Intellite.
CV will end soon but there will be no goodbyes. The happy memories, milestones and victories will linger for a lifetime. The challenges and learnings that made us strong and mature will equip us for the exciting adventure ahead.
The journey has been magical. My 11 years in Intel has been the best 11 years of my life.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Making Time for Friends
My anticipation heightened as my family approached the skating rink. I searched for familiar faces amidst a throng of strangers in the mall. Then there they were, in Bo’s Coffee shop, sipping latte and eating pies. After a quick chat, we decided to transfer to Wendy’s Hamburger Restaurant to continue the bonding over lunch. We reminisced the good old times and had a light chat about future prospects. Bottom line: we connected and had fun!
I appreciate Analiza Palacio, Reishel Dollosa, Alma Oblepias, Ponciano “Jhun” Dotollo, Jr., Lilian Sablad, Robelyn Castillo, Girlie Balbuena, Crisyl Trinidad, Rowena “Wendy” Calipay, Adelin Leachon & Judeleo Ferrer for taking time to come, for sharing their experiences. Thanks for bringing your kids and demonstrating to them how we value friendship. For the others who were not able to make it…we missed you (and talked about you) a lot! Hope we can get together again soon.

<-This photo was taken in May 2007 when we wnet to ATC to eat in Saisaki & watch Pirates of the Carribean 3.
Thanks to Lani Arreglo, Jude Ferrer & Lilian Sablad for capturing the precious moments. Until June...kitakitz.
Love in Action
Isaiah 25:4a
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
15 Years and Counting
Happy birthday to my cousin-in-law Evelyn "Chingky" Agsulid who celebrates her birthday today.
God is in Charge
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Faith Brings Change
I believe God remains the source of all the good in my life, no matter what the world says.
I believe God teaches me to be sensitive to His will now, and I acknowledge His Lordship.
I believe that God is teaching me to mature spiritually...Lord help me endure.
With Christ In My Vessel
God knew I was hurting so bad from the January 20 announcement that our company will be closing this year. There was so much bad news going around. So God comforted me and revealed these truths that I believe:
Isaiah 41:13
I am the Lord your God;
I strengthen you and tell you,
Do not be afraid; I will help you.
Isaiah 43:5
Do not be afraid, I am with you!
Isaiah 46:4
I am your God and will take care of you
Until you are old and your hair is gray.
I made you and will care for you;
I will give you help and rescue you.
Thank you Lord, for the reassurance. With Christ in my vessel I can smile at the storm.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
A Fresh Start
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
January 21 Letter to God
You taught us to trust in You. And that trust is not in vain.
You are a Steady Rock we can lean on.
Please help me accept things that are beyond my control.
Lord, grant me the wisdom to know your will.
Increase my faith. May I get the lesson you want to impart to me through this trial.
Let this situation lead me to spiritual maturity. Let this event draw me closer to you.
Let this event help me lead others closer to you.
Allow me to comfort others as you comfort me.
I humbly lay my life before you. Thank you for your unconditional love and compassion. In excitement I await my life's next chapter. With unyielding confidence I submit to you.
This I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
San Fernando, Pampanga Revisited
There are much more gasoline station stopovers now as compared to my last trip. One even had life-sized dinosaurs and a playground as attractions for weary motorists.
San Fernando, Pampanga is also a home to the country’s top 2 malls: SM Pampanga and Robinson’s Star Mall. It has been a trend that they are erected adjacent to each other, as in this case, they are. They are situated right where the express way exit is, so no one will miss it. This is a great help for Pampanguenos because these malls generate jobs for the people and the taxes they pay benefit the municipal government.
One can still see the lahar in the outskirts of town, reminding townsfolk of the Mount Pinatubo explosion of the ‘90s.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday Afternoon Family Bonding
World-famous Krisy Kreme!
Then there it was…one of Krispy Kreme Doughnut’s home in the Philippines! The look and feel of the store is immaculate clean and cozy. Sunday morning’s service crew team provided excellent customer service. My daughter Roo was given a balloon & a hat for souvenirs.Everyone looked at the display counter and immediately knew that we were in for a special treat!
We started off by ordering 6 pieces of honey-glazed donuts. The first bite is surreal…the softest dough…a paradise for the sweet tooth indeed! As I was savoring the first bite, the other 5 doughnuts were gone! They were consumed in a flash! So, to make the trip worthwhile, we ordered a 2nd box (another half dozen) together with a talk glass of frappe for Josh and steaming hot coffee to match.
As we were enjoying the food and the ambiance, my son suddenly exclaimed, “I want to live here!” perhaps experiencing the sugar rush.
Next stop was the Fully Booked Bookstore, also in Bonifacio high Street. People flocked to the store to buy the bestsellers. They carry a wide array of reading materials that delight bibliophiles of all ages. They also carry CDs and exquisite gift items.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Honesty nourishes the soul. And having a soul is what differentiates humans from the other animals. If man ignores the conviction of his conscience, succumbs to self-preserving instincts, then he is just like the lower animals.
Between stimulus and response is a choice. When man chooses to keep his integrity intact by remaining honest, he benefits from inner peace. This is much valuable that satisfying baser instincts.
So the saying, “to thine own self be true,” is a nugget of wisdom really worth applying in life!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Stop and Smell the Flowers
Three days into the year…so far so good. I got to read the Bible; then jog or lift weights in the morning. I’m reading a management book to feed my mind. I’m having my sofa re-upholstered to give my living room a new look. I’ve been cleaning the house for 2 weeks & have come to the conclusion that I might as well transfer to a new house than to have the current one renovated. No big deal, right?
Friday, January 2, 2009
More than New Year resolutions...Lifetime Resolutions
1. I will glorify GOD in all I do;
2. I will consult GOD before I make any decision;
3. I will trust GOD in all my circumstances.
Only by the grace of God will I be able to do these. My life is meaningful if I live it only for Him. My success depends on how aligned I am to God's plan in my life.
I am accountable to reach out to 5 souls for Jesus this year. This is my faith goal. I will immerse myself in His Word daily.