My anticipation heightened as my family approached the skating rink. I searched for familiar faces amidst a throng of strangers in the mall. Then there they were, in Bo’s Coffee shop, sipping latte and eating pies. After a quick chat, we decided to transfer to Wendy’s Hamburger Restaurant to continue the bonding over lunch. We reminisced the good old times and had a light chat about future prospects. Bottom line: we connected and had fun!
I appreciate Analiza Palacio, Reishel Dollosa, Alma Oblepias, Ponciano “Jhun” Dotollo, Jr., Lilian Sablad, Robelyn Castillo, Girlie Balbuena, Crisyl Trinidad, Rowena “Wendy” Calipay, Adelin Leachon & Judeleo Ferrer for taking time to come, for sharing their experiences. Thanks for bringing your kids and demonstrating to them how we value friendship. For the others who were not able to make it…we missed you (and talked about you) a lot! Hope we can get together again soon.

<-This photo was taken in May 2007 when we wnet to ATC to eat in Saisaki & watch Pirates of the Carribean 3.
Thanks to Lani Arreglo, Jude Ferrer & Lilian Sablad for capturing the precious moments. Until June...kitakitz.